March 11, 2011

8.9 Earthquake - Tsunami Hit Japan

cmdkfha 8'9 l N+ñ lïmdjla
iqkdñ wjodku .ek wk;=re w`.jhs'

ñka meh lsysmhlg fmr ,xldfõ fj,dfjka fm'j'11'15g muK cmdkfha isÿjQ ßla;¾ tall 8'9 m%n, N+ñ lïmdj ksid ±ka cmdkhg yd hdno ms,smSkh reishdj ;dhsjdkh yjdhs yd .=jdï rgj,g fukau kjiS,ka;hg;a iqkdñ wk;=re we`.ùï ksl=;a lr ;sfnkjd' 
fuu N+ñ lïmdj isÿj we;af;a fgdalsfhdajg lsó 400 muK ÿßka BidkÈ. cmdkfhah'
fuu.ska we;súh yels iqkdñ ;;ajh wä 33la muK Wig úysÈh yels njo jd¾;d jkjd'
fï jk úg;a cmdkfha ñhd.s yd *qlaIsud m%foaYj, iqkdñ r< meñK we;s nj;a jdyk fndaÜgq ñksiqka .idf.k hk o¾Yk tka tÉ fla rEmjdysksfha fmkajd we;s nj;a jd¾;d jkjd' f.dvke.s,s fi,ùu ksid ;eka ;eka j, .sks.ekSï o jd¾;d jk w;r
ñh .sh yd ;=jd, ,enQjka .Kk ;ju jd¾;d jkafka ke;'
cmdkfha isák Y%S ,dxlslhska .ek jd¾;do ;ju ,eî ke;'

March 9, 2011

what hot a news - මෛත්‍රී බුදුන් ලංකාවෙන් පහල වෙයි

තමා මෛත්‍රී බුදුන් ලෙසින් හදුන්වන පුද්ගලයෙක් ගාල්ල ප්‍රදේශයේ සිටි. මොහු නමින් කේ. ලාල් වේ.ගාල්ල ප්‍රදේශයේ මොහු ඉමහත් ප්‍රසිද්ධියක් උසුලන අතර මිනිසුන් වැදුම් පිදුම් පවා කරති. ස්වාධීන රූපවාහිනියෙන් හා ටි.එන්.එල් රූපවාහිනියෙන් මොහුගේ ධර්ම දේශනා ප්‍රචාරය වුන අතර මොහු තමා මෛත්‍රී බුදුන් යි හදුන්වගනු ලැබුවේ මැතක සිටය. බලන්න ඔහුගේ facebook පිටුව තුල ඔහු හදුන්ව දී ඇති අන්දම

ඔහු කල ප්‍රකාශයකින් කොටසක්

අන්තර්ජාලය තුල මෙම සියලු ප්‍රචාරයන් කරගෙන යනු ලබන්නේ ඔහුගේ අනුගාමිකයන් විසින් වේ. මොහුගෙන් බණ අසා රහත් වූවයි කියන පිරිසක් ද වේ. මේ අතුරින් බෙහෙවින්ම ක්‍රියාකාරීව සිටින්නේ තිස්ස සේනානායක නම් තැනැත්තා හා ඔහුගේ බිරිඳ මහිමා සේනානායකය.මොවුන් දෙදෙනාම රසායන විද්‍යාව පිළිබඳව ආචාර්ය උපාධි ලබාගෙන ඇත්තේ නවසීලන්තයෙනි.මෛත්‍රී බුදුන් ලෙස රඟපාන තැනැත්තාගෙන් "බණ" අසා මුලින්ම රහත් වූ ශ්‍රාවකයා කියා ගන්නේ මොහුය.එමෙන්ම ඒ ව්‍යාජයා 2012 වසරේ එන බව කියන යම් විනාශයකට හෝ යුග පෙරැළියකට සම්බන්ධ කොට ප්‍රබන්ධ පළ කරමින් යන්නේද, ඒවා ජාතික පුවත් පත් මට්ටමට පවා යවා ඇත්තේද මේ ආචාර්ය තිස්ස සේනානායක නම් තැනැත්තාය.

2012 එන විනාශය පිළිබද හදුන්ව දී ඇති අන්දම
තිස්ස සේනානායක හා ඔහුගේ බිරිඳ මහිමා සේනානායක පෙනී සිටින ජායාරුපයකි.

බලන්න එහි ඔහු comment එකට පිළිතුරු ලෙස දී ඇත්තේ "May The God Bless You" කවර හෝ බුදු වරයෙකුගේ ශාසනයක රහත් වූ බව කියන්නෙක් "ගෝඩ් බ්ලෙස්" කියා අන් අයට සුභ පතන්නේ කෙසේද?
තිස්ස සේනානායක විසින් කරනු ලබන ප්‍රකාශද ප්‍රශ්න සහගත වේ.

බුදු රුව විකෘති කර ඇති අන්දම
මේ පිලිබදව අවධානය යොමුකළ දමිත් කේතක සොයුරාට අපගේ ස්තුතිය.
සංවාදයට විවෘතයි.....
 අපි  මෙම බ්ලොග් අඩවිය  ෆේස් බුක් එක්ක බෙදා ගමු

Jina's brothel house in Liberty Plaza: raiding operation

Ôkdf.a iqmsß .Ksld uvfï wÆ;au f;dr;=re
ld,hla ;siafia ,sná ma,did f.dvke.s,af,a mj;ajdf.k .sh iqmsß .Ksld ksjila jeg,Sug fmd,sia ¥IK úu¾Yk tallh iu;a úh' foia úfoia .Ksldjka by< ñ,lg úlsfKk Ôkd uevïf.a .Ksld uvu f,i kï oerE fuu iqmsß .Ksld ksjdih jir úiaila mqrd ishÆ myiqlï ueo mj;ajdf.k .sh w;r thg tfrysj lghq;= lsÍug lsisfjl=g;a fkdyels úh' ta ;rugu fmd,sia yd foaYmd,k n,h fuh mj;ajdf.k hEu i|yd fhdod f.k ;sfí'
                   fuu iqmsß .Ksld ksjdifha lï iem ú§ug tk mdßfNda.slhka w;r ue;s weue;sjreka"fmd,sisfha by<u ks,OdÍka" yuqodj, fcHIaGu ks,OdÍka" fldaám;s jHdmdßlhska yd úOdhl fYaKsfha ks,OdÍkao iq,Nh' iqúfYaIS wdrlaIl jevms<sfj<la hgf;a mj;ajdf.k .sh fuys wdrlaIl Nghska 50la muK fiajh lr ;sfí' ,xldfõ wE; msáir .ïj,ska tk ;reKshka fld<U yf;a Ôj;a jk ;reKshka f,i yev.kajd by< .Kkaj,g úl=K we;' fndfydaÿrg .Ksldjka imhd we;af;a úYajdiodhs .kqfokqlrejkag muKh'
      fuys wikakg ,efnk ixfõ§u mqj; jkafka .eìKs ldka;djkaf.a myi ,nd .ekSugo .Kqfokqlrejka meñKSuhs' tfiau fuys isák .Ksldjla Èklg msßñka 10la 15la iu. tlajk wjia:do ;sfí' fuys we;s Nhdklu isoaêh jkafka fuys fiajh l< .Ksldjka fofofkl= mÍlaIKhlg Ndckh lsrSfuka miq Tjqkag tÉ' whs' ù' ffjri YÍr .; ù we;s nj ;yjqre ùuhs'

Raini Charuka - Chinthy is just only a friend

;reñKs TÉpï .S;hg fyd| krl;a ,efnkjd'

rhsks pdreld .=K;s,l' ku lshQ iekska fkdokak flfkla ke;s ;rï' fï Èkj, weh .ek jeämqru l;d fjkafka isxydjf,dalkh lshk Ñ;%mgh ksid' tys weh iuoÍ lshk .eñ pß;h rÕmdkjd' ta;a iu.u ;reñKS lsh,d wÆ;ska .S;hla ksl=;a l,d' bßod Èjhsk mqj;amf;a rhsks iuÕ meje;ajQ iïuqL idlÉPdjlska ilia jQ ,smshls fï'
rhsks wOHdmkh yodrkafka wefußldfõ úYaj úoHd,hl' weh lshkafka ,xldfõ mÈxÑ fjkjdo wefußldfj mÈxÑ fjkjdo lshd ;ju is;d ke;s njhs' isxydjf,dalkh Ñ;%mgfha weh rÕ mE pß;h ms<sn|j woyia oelajQfha fï wdldrfhks'
we;a;gu iuoÍ lshk .eñ pß;h lrkak wmyiqjla jqfKa kE' uu ,xldfõ Ôj;a jqfK;a fndfydu ir, úÈhg' uu yß ieye,aÆfjka Ôj;a jqK flfkla' wefußldfj .shd lsh,d fjkia jqfKa keye' .eñ pß;h lrkak froaohs yeÜfghs we|,d fldKafv f.d;d.kak ú;rhs ;snqfKa' wks;a tl uu tÉpr ys;g wrf.k lf<a keye' idudkH úÈyg ;uhs r.mEfõ' NdIdj ;uhs álla wudre jqfka'
foujqmsfhd ksid uu ckm%sh jqfKa'
rEldka; pkaøf,aLd foujqmsfhd fkdjqkdkï ug fï ;rï ckm%sh;ajhla keye' thd,d fydo krl fmkaj,d fokjd' kS;s odkafk keye' fudlo ta fokaku rx.khg odhla fj,;a ;sfhk ksid'

krl wykak ,efnkafka ùäfhda tl me;af;ka
hdÆfjl=f.a wdrdOkdjla wkqj ;uhs Ñka;s tlal ;reñKs TÉpï lshk .S;h lf<a' uu Ñka;sf. rgdfõ .S; lshkafka keye' Ñka;s tlal .S;hla lrkjd lsõju f.dvla wh lsõfj ug Ñka;sj .e<fmkafka kE lsh,d' ;reñKs TÉpï .S;hg fydo krl;a ,efnkjd' krl wykak ,efnkafka ùäfhda tl me;af;ka'
wms fma%u lrk jhfi bkafka'
Ñka;shs udhs w;fr iïnkaOhla ;sfhkjd lsh,d l;djla me;sreKd' Bg l,ska .hdka tlal iïnkaOhla ;sfhkjd lsh,d l;djla ;snqKd' wms fma%u iïnkaO mj;ajk jhfi bkak ksid Th jf.a l;d yefokjd' Ñka;s uf.a hdÆfjla ú;rhs'

Ven. Uduwe Dhammaloka's puppies caught at Airport

Wvqfõ ysñf.a n¨ megõ udÜgq fjhs
Wvqfõ Oïudf,dal ysñhka úiska msgráka f.kajQ nÆ megjqka fofofkl= .=jka f;dgqmf<a§u f.kajk ,o rggu wdmiq yrjd hejQ mqj;la B f.disma fj;g oek.kakg ,efí' ksis mÍlaIKhla yd wkque;shla fkdue;sj nÆ megjqka fofokd rg ;=<g f.k hdug bv Èh fkdyels nj lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqmf<a isák mY= iïm;a úIh lafIa;%hg wod< ks,OdÍka mjid we;' fï ms<sn|j Wvqfõ ysñhka uka;%S iðka jdia .=Kj¾Okg l;d lr ;sfí' Tyq fï ms<sn|j wod< ks,OdÍkag oekqï § we;;a Tjqka mjid we;af;a úIh Ndr weu;s;=udf.a wjirhlska f;drj lsisjla l< fkdyels njhs'

miqj iðka jdia uka;%Sjrhd f;dKavuka wud;Hjrhdg oekqï § we;af;a th ckdêm;sjrh
df.a b,a,Sula njo i|yka lr ;sfí' flfia fj;;a f;dKavuka weu;sjrhd fï ms<sn|j ckdêm;sjrhdf.ka úuiSula lr we;s w;r nÆ megjq Wvqfõ ysñhkaf.a nj mjid ke;' ckdêm;sjrhd mjid we;af;a kS;shg msáka lsisjla fkdlrk f,ihs' fï wkqj nÆ megjq fofokd wod< rggu hjk f,i weu;sjrhd oekqï § ;sfí' 
flfia fj;;a fuys ÿlanru isoaêh jkafka tlS nÆ megjq fofokdf.ka tla megfjla .=jfkaoSu ñh f.dia ;sîuhs' 

Queen's underwear on auction

t<sifn;a uy /ðkf.a hg we÷ula fjkafoaisfha
t<sifn;a wf,iekav%d fïß fkdfyd;a t<sifn;a uy /ðkf.a hg we÷ula oeka wefußldfõ m%isoaO fjkafoaisfha úlsKsug ierfik nj jd¾;d fõ' jir 40la muK jhie;s fuu hg we÷u ñhdñj, fjfik fcdaika ã ìiafla fvdífn%daks kï mqoa.,hd w;g m;a ù ;sfí' Tyqg fuh ,eî we;af;a ñ;=frl=f.ka nj mejfia' 1968 j¾Ifha§ uy /ðk Ñ,S rfgys ixpdrh lsÍug fhdod.;a mqoa.,sl wyia hdkhl fiajh l< fuu ñ;=rdg yuq ù we;s fuu hg we÷u Tyq úiska fcdaikag ,nd § ;sfí' fcdaika úfkdaodxYhla jYfhka fujeks foaj,a tl;= lrkafkl= nj jd¾;d fõ'
                       flfia fj;;a fcdaika cQkS udifha§ ñh f.dia ;sfí' fï ksid Tyqf.a nQo,h fjkafoaisfha ;nd we;' fuu rdclSh hgwe÷u mjqï 6000lg jvd jeä uqo,lg fjkafoais jkq we;ehs wfmalaId flf¾'

Executive Bios - අපේ එකෙක් Facebook එකේත් ලොක්කෙක්

ලොව ප‍්‍රකටම සමාජ ජාල වෙබ් අඩවිය වන ෆේස්බුක් හි ශ‍්‍රී ලාංකිකයෙකු ඉහලම නිලයක් දරමින් සේවය කරන බව වාර්තා වේ. නමින් චමත් පලිහපිටිය වන ඔහුට බාරව ඇත්තේ ‘ෆේස්බුක් මොබයිල්’ සේවා සැපයීමයි. ඉහලම මට්ටමේ නිළධාරීන් 13 දෙනා අතර ශ‍්‍රී ලාංකිකයෙක් එක් වී සිටීම ශ‍්‍රී ලාකිකයන් වන අපට මහත් ආඩම්බරයක් නොවේද?

Mark Zuckerberg
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook, which he founded in 2004. Facebook is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, families and coworkers. Mark is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company. He leads the design of Facebook's service and development of its core technology and infrastructure. Mark attended Harvard University and studied computer science before moving the company to Palo Alto, California.

Christopher Cox
VP of Product
Christopher Cox is the Vice President of Product at Facebook, where he is responsible for organizing Facebook’s product strategy and overseeing the product management and design functions. Christopher joined Facebook in 2005 as a Software Engineer and was instrumental in implementing first versions of key Facebook features, including News Feed and Inbox. He then became Director of Human Resources where he drove the development of Facebook’s mission, values, and people strategy. Christopher holds a Bachelor’s degree in Symbolic Systems with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence from Stanford University.

David Ebersman
Chief Financial Officer
David Ebersman is the Chief Financial Officer of Facebook, where he leads the finance and facilities teams. Prior to joining Facebook in 2009, David worked at Genentech Inc., a leading biotechnology company, most recently as its Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President. David joined Genentech in 1994 and served in a number of roles at the company including Senior Vice President, Product Operations, Vice President, Product Development, and Director, Business Development. Prior to Genentech, David worked as a Research Analyst at Oppenheimer & Company Inc. He serves on the Board of Directors at Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, and was selected as a Fellow in the Henry Crown Fellowship Program. David holds a Bachelor’s in Economics and International Relations from Brown University.

David Fischer
VP of Advertising and Global Operations
David Fischer is the Vice President of Advertising and Global Operations at Facebook and oversees sales, advertiser marketing, and customer operations throughout the world. He joined Facebook after over seven years at Google, where he was Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations and was responsible for Google’s online sales channel, which represents the majority of Google’s customers worldwide. In that role, he helped build Google's online advertising network into the largest in the world. Prior to that, David served as Deputy Chief of Staff at the United States Treasury Department during the Clinton Administration. Earlier, David was an Associate Editor at U.S. News & World Report, where he covered economics, business, and politics from Washington DC. David holds a Bachelor’s degree in Government from Cornell University and a MBA from Stanford University. He serves on the boards of the SEEP Network, a global non-profit dedicated to microfinance and enterprise development.

Lori Goler
VP of Human Resources and Recruiting
Lori Goler is the Vice President of Human Resources and Recruiting and is responsible for all aspects of Facebook’s people strategy including growing, developing and retaining the Facebook team. Lori joined Facebook following five years at eBay, where she led consumer marketing with responsibility for marketing strategy, brand management, advertising, and consumer promotions. While there, she also served as General Manager of the eBay Stores business. Lori was a founding member of the executive team at where she led operations and merchandising. In that role, she led the roll-out of which became a leading online retailer in the category. Lori started her career at The Walt Disney Company focused on strategy and business planning for the consumer products businesses. Lori holds a Bachelor’s degree from Yale University, a MBA from Harvard Business School and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government.

Jonathan Heiliger
VP of Technical Operations
Jonathan Heiliger is the Vice President of Technical Operations at Facebook, where he oversees global infrastructure and internal technology systems. Prior to Facebook, he was a technology advisor to several early-stage companies in connection with Index Ventures and Sequoia Capital. He formerly led the engineering team at, where he was responsible for infrastructure and building scalable systems. Jonathan also spent several years at Loudcloud (which became Opsware and was later acquired by HP) as the Chief Operating Officer. Earlier in his career, Jonathan was the CTO of Frontier GlobalCenter, and later founded Global Crossing's corporate venture capital group.

Chamath Palihapitiya
VP of Growth, Mobile and International
Chamath Palihapitiya is the Vice President of User Growth, Mobile and International at Facebook and, since 2008, has led a cross functional team responsible for driving the growth of Facebook's userbase through product, virality, marketing and internationalization efforts on both the web and mobile. Prior to his current role at Facebook, Chamath oversaw Facebook Platform from its launch in 2007 and led the team that built and initially scaled Facebook’s online advertising product. Chamath joined Facebook from The Mayfield Fund, a leading venture capital firm in Silicon Valley where he led consumer Internet, advertising and technology investments. Prior to Mayfield, Chamath spent five years with AOL in roles of increasing responsibility, culminating in his position as the Vice President and General Manager of AIM and ICQ. Chamath began his career as a derivatives trader before leaving finance to work for Internet music pioneers Winamp and Chamath grew up in Canada and graduated first class honors in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.

Dan Rose
VP of Partnerships and Platform Marketing
Dan Rose is VP of Partnerships and Platform Marketing at Facebook. Dan is responsible for Facebook’s worldwide business development and M&A activities, and he leads product marketing and partnerships for Facebook Platform and Credits. Dan joined Facebook in 2006 after seven years at where he held various positions in business development and general management, including his last role where he helped incubate and develop the Amazon Kindle. Dan earned a Bachelor’s degree at Harvard University and attended the University of Michigan Business School for one year before joining Amazon. Dan currently sits on the board of Borders Group, Inc.

Sheryl Sandberg
Chief Operating Officer
Sheryl Sandberg is Chief Operating Officer at Facebook. She oversees the company's business operations including sales, marketing, business development, human resources, public policy and communications. Prior to Facebook, Sheryl was Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google, where she built and managed the online sales channels for advertising and publishing and operations for consumer products worldwide. She was also instrumental in launching, Google’s philanthropic arm. Before Google, Sheryl served as Chief of Staff for the United States Treasury Department under President Bill Clinton where she helped lead the Treasury’s work on forgiving debt in the developing world. Earlier, she was a management consultant with McKinsey & Company and an economist with the World Bank. Sheryl received a B.A. summa cum laude in Economics from Harvard University and was awarded the John H. Williams Prize for the top graduating student in economics. She received an MBA with highest distinction from the Harvard Business School. Sheryl serves on the boards of The Walt Disney Company, Starbucks, Women for Women International, the Center for Global Development and V-Day. Sheryl was named as one of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business by Fortune and one of the 50 Women to Watch by The Wall Street Journal.

Elliot Schrage
VP of Global Communications, Marketing and Public Policy
Elliot Schrage is the Vice President of Global Communications, Marketing and Public Policy, where he is responsible for developing and coordinating key messages about products, corporate business and partnerships. He also oversees the company’s public policy strategy worldwide. Elliot joined Facebook from Google, where he was the Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs. He helped broaden and coordinate the company’s messaging from a focus on product PR to include all aspects of corporate, financial, policy, philanthropic and internal communications. Prior to Google, Elliot was the Bernard L. Schwarz Senior Fellow in business and foreign policy at the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations. Earlier in his career, Elliot served as the Senior Vice President of Global Affairs for Gap Inc. and an adjunct professor at Columbia University and Columbia Law School. He has been a contributor to the Harvard Business Review and the Financial Times. Elliot holds a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government and a JD from Harvard Law School.

Mike Schroepfer
VP of Engineering
Mike Schroepfer is the Vice President of Engineering at Facebook. Mike leads the company's engineers who write the code used by hundreds of millions of people each day. Before Facebook, Mike was the Vice President of Engineering at Mozilla Corporation, where he led the global and open product development process behind Firefox. Mike was formerly a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems which acquired his company, CenterRun. He began his career working at various start-ups including a digital effects software startup, where software that Mike built was used in several major motion pictures. Mike holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in computer science from Stanford University and has filed two U.S. patents.

Bret Taylor
Chief Technology Officer
Bret Taylor is the Chief Technology Officer of Facebook where he oversees the long-term technical direction of foundational products such as News Feed, Search and Facebook Platform. Previously, he was the co-founder and CEO of FriendFeed, which was acquired by Facebook in August 2009. Before starting FriendFeed, Bret worked at Google, where co-created Google Maps, the Google Maps API, and started Google's developer product group. Bret holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master's degree in Computer Science from Stanford University.

Ted Ullyot
VP and General Counsel
Ted Ullyot is Vice President and General Counsel at Facebook, where he leads the company’s legal team. Ted was formerly a litigation partner in the Washington, DC office of Kirkland & Ellis LLP. Before his time with Kirkland, Ted was EVP and General Counsel of ESL Investments, Inc., a private investment firm. Earlier, he was SVP and General Counsel of AOL Time Warner Europe. Ted has also held a number of appointed positions in the Federal government, including serving in the White House as a Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush, and at the Justice Department as Chief of Staff. He began his career as a law clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Ted holds a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard College and a JD from the University of Chicago Law Schoo

Mervin's Blue Kelaniya

u¾úkaf.a íÆ le,Ksh
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Bfha ue;sjrK flduidßia ohdkkao ÈYdkdhl uy;d fmd,sishg ksfhda. lf<a le,Ksfha úreoaO mlaIhg ue;sjrK m%pdrl lghq;=j,g ndOdjla ;sfí kï fidhd n,k f,ih'

The Mystery of Tharindu's Death

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NO Evening School -Shut Up Bandula

yji mdi,a kE
 Shut Up nkaÿ,

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 .=rejreka yd isiqka leu;s kï muKla w¨;ska msysgqjk mdi,a j, tfia lrkak hhso mjid we;'

March 8, 2011

Dancing Millionaire at SL-AU Match

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fldaám;s jHdmdßlhd 
msÜgksh ueoafoa vdkaia lrhs

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fuu wmQre wjia:dfõ ùäfhda o¾Ykh fu;ekska

Henry Jayasena Marketing

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'''f,am Tn;a .kak

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fykaß chfiakhkag .relrk l,dldókago fujeks ±kaùulska isÿlrkafka ks.rejls'
fï Èkj, ±ä wjOdkh Èkd.;a l%slÜ ;r. m%pdr w;r;=ru j.lSï iys; udOH Tiafia fuh m%pdrh lsÍu lK.dgqjg lreKls'
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